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.Report of the Sigma Xi McGill-Montreal Field Trip
To: ‘Laboratoire des pollutions industrielles’ from the ‘Centre d’expertise en analyse environmentale du Québec’
April 11, 2008
M. Claude Laliberté, Director of the Laboratoire des pollutions industrielles de le Centre d’expertise en analyse environmentale du Québec, gave us a complete view of the organization of the Centre and a detailed tour of the laboratories under his direction at Laval, QC. The Center operates with an annual budget of $M 10 and has around 110 people working full time its two laboratories and administrative section. The other laboratory for ‘analyse et de l’étude de la qualité de milieu’ is located in Ste Foy, QC. The Center has collaboration with INRS, ETS, U Laval, U Sherbrooke, and Ecole Polytechnique, among other institutions in the Province. In addition it collaborates with research centers such as Environment Canada and the Ministries for Environment of Ontario, British Columbia and the Atlantic Provinces. It also has programs with about 20 other countries around the world which include France and many Latin American countries. Its fields of expertise cover a wide range of topics in biology, chemistry, microbiology, eco-toxicology, etc.
The ‘Laboratoire de pollutions industrielles’, visited by us has a whole building of laboratories with excellent analytical facilities and highly qualified expert personnel. In addition it has three mobil-laboratories for ‘in situ’ analysis of soils, water and air contamination due to industrial emissions. These laboratories were of special interest to members of our group because they are able to take sophisticated analytical equipment under controlled ambient conditions to remote places for ‘in situ’ studies.
Pictures of the Mobile Laboratory and Presentation of McGill Montreal Chapter appreciation certificate to M. Claude Laliberté
From Left to Right: Bhinesha Sitaram, An Ngo, David Duford, M. Claude Laliberté, Dr. Roper, Dr. Yelon, Angela Vivassis
From Left to Right: Juan Vera, David Duford, An Ngo, M. Claude Laliberté, Dr. Roper, Dr. Yelon, Angela Vivassis